Friday, October 03, 2008

VP debate by the numbers

Number of times Sarah Palin used the word "maverick" to refer to either herself or John McCain: Six

Number of times Sarah Palin used the phrase "I believe cavemen and dinosaurs romped together in peace 6,000 years ago": Zero


punkinsmom said...

Number of times Sarah Palin answered Gwen Ifil's original question: zero.

fermicat said...

Number of times she said "nu-cu-lar": at least four that I remember. My cringe reflex may have saved me from a few more.

Qaro said...

"nu-cu-lar". Ugh. I don't think many Americans don't want a new presidential ticket that doesn't sound smarter than GW.

Anonymous said...

It's like this, see, Republicans are busy preventing necular war, while Democrats focus on nuclear. That way, we got all the bases covered.