I surreptitiously tore this out of the paper (on, I think, p. 5!) while waiting for a haircut this morning. I've had nightmares of letting a dummy headline through at the magazine where I work. But--yay!--it hasn't happened in waking life.
Also, it couldn't have happened to a nicer newspaper.
This remains my favorite NY Post error: http://www.usatoday.com/sports/baseball/playoffs/2003-10-17-ny-post-editorial_x.htm.
Ha! I dimly remember that happening.
That's like the British paper that recently posted the wrong results of Italian murder trial--two results written up, the wrong one posted to the Internet.
Hmm. I should start a newspaper called The Multiverse that gives all the possible news, whether it happens or not.
... Or a Multiverse Blog ...
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