--Turschmucken: Loser stuffed inside a chicken stuffed inside a turkey.
--Tursnooken: The Jersey Shore's Snooki stuffed inside a chicken stuffed inside a turkey.
--Turtoblerucken: Toblerone stuffed inside a turtle stuffed inside a chicken stuffed inside a turkey.
--Tofucken: Tofu stuffed inside a chicken. (Pronounced toe-FOO-kin.)
--Turantidisestablishmentarianistucken: 19th-century Briton in opposition to proposals for the disestablishment of the Church of England stuffed inside a chicken stuffed inside a turkey.
UPDATE from JohnnyB, in comments -- Turkmenistan: Stanley stuffed inside some men stuffed inside a turkey.
UPDATE UPDATE from Grammarian --Turgoospignutt: a goose, stuffed inside a turkey, stuffed inside a pig, roasted on a spit, and garnished with Fluffernutter.
Also, behold the cherpumple, the turducken of desserts.
Not sure which of those repulse me more, but they are all hilarious!! Perhaps Tursnooken...
Turkmenistan: Stanley stuffed inside some men, stuffed inside a turkey.
Turgoospignutt: a goose, stuffed inside a turkey, stuffed inside a pig, roasted on a spit, and garnished with fluffernutter.
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