Yeah, yeah. I know, it's not really breaking news.
But a comment on this USA Today story caught my eye, boiling down what's wrong with the Internet to its essence. Headline:

Comment on said story, and note that the person leaving the comment is around 60 years old, uses his real name and photo (he's on Facebook), and is a USA Today "Top Commenter."

There are certain people who pine for a return to the America of the 1950s, lulled by false sense of what the country was like at that time (or eager to return to a time when people knew their place in society).
All I'm saying is, I'd be happy if we merely returned to a time when the only way to comment on news stories was by bothering the bejesus out of family members or yelling on street corners.
That's hard to read...Sigh.
You framed this well. What's happening to people? What happened to "He ain't heavy, he's my brother?"
My false sense of what the country was is very real. Why if it weren't, could I do this to it? Or this? No. No, I couldn't. Does your false sense of what the country was have lanolin, B complex vitamins and the deadening analgesic that can make biting with a carroway seed under your uppers a thing of the past? Yes? Then you've got my false sense of what the country was, the only false sense of what the country was with seven important fish oils. Run down to the druggist today and pick up my false sense of what the country was ... TODAY!
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