Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Why children should be encouraged to watch more TV

"[Eleven-year-old Aaron Perez] was bitten [by a shark] while wade-fishing with his family July 25 at Bryan Beach in Brazoria County. It was the second of three shark attacks along the Gulf Coast this year. ... Aaron said he was standing in a school of fish when the shark, believed to be a bull shark, grabbed him. He said he began punching the creature in the gills, as he had learned on The Discovery Channel the day before." --The Houston Chronicle, Aug. 3


Grammarian@mindspring.com said...

Actually the information is controversial. The Food Channel, for example, recommends offeringthe shark some brie.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I think the Food Channel meant offering the shark *WITH* brie, lemon wedges, and toast points.
Maybe some pate on the side, or fresh fruit?
Little wine.....