No phone call. No "Dear Jim" letter.
Yet I've been deleted off the blogroll of a formerly regular reader.
What did I do to drive him away? Was it too much toast? Confusing Ben Affleck with the Aflac duck? (It could happen to anyone--they're equally charismatic!) Not enough pictures of cute baby monkeys? Too many pictures of Dick Cheney? (Is it even possible to have too many pictures of Dick Cheney???)
I guess I'll never know.

I would say the answer is yes, you can have too many pictures of Dick Cheney.
Well, then. Mystery solved.
You're on! What happened to the band photos on your site? They don't load.
It was the lack of toast with Dick Cheney faces.
At first I read that as "lack of toast with Dick Chaney feces." I hope we never live in a world where someone sells toast with Vice Presidential ass jam on it.
"I hope we never live in a world where someone sells toast with Vice Presidential ass jam on it."
I could've lived in a world where that sentence didn't exist, but I guess it's too late now isn't it!
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