Saturday, July 23, 2005


Things I did on vacation:
--Fell asleep on the sofa in the middle of the afternoon (multiple times)
--Read 892 pages of the new Harry Potter book (only 793 left to go!)
--Swore at (and made obscene hand gestures in the general direction of) the bees living under the deck in my backyard
--Went to see Lisa Loeb (wasn't really a big fan, but she was playing nearby--and she completely won me over)
--Pulled out crabgrass
--Visited friends
--Made ice cream
--Ate ice cream

Things I did not get around to doing on vacation:
--Broker peace in the Mideast
--Get nominated to the Supreme Court
--See March of the Penguins

Things I do not want to do tomorrow:
--Go to work
--Go to work
--Go to work
--Go to work
--Go to work
--Go to work
--Go to work
--Go to work
--Go to work
--Go to work
--Go to work
--Go to work
--Go to work
--Go to work
--Go to work
--Go to work
--Go to work

1 comment:

NYPinTA said...

"Things I did not get around to doing on vacation:
--Broker peace in the Mideast"
