I Am Banana (Yellow)
The Good, the Bad, and the Banana
12 Angry Bananas
Star Wars: Episode V—The Banana Strikes Back
Raiders of the Lost Banana
A Clockwork Banana
Das Banane
Eternal Banana of the Spotless Mind
Raging Banana
Million Dollar Banana
Gone with the Banana
The Bananas of Wrath
The Banana Ultimatum
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Bananas
How to Train Your Banana
Who's Afraid of Virginia Banana?
Rosemary's Banana
All Quiet on the Western Banana
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Banana
Dial M for Banana*
The King's Banana**
*Sending this back for a rewrite.
**New PG-13-rated version is perfect for families!
ADDENDA from God Is My Codependent:
Banannie Hall
The Banananator
PS: Now you can you click a button and post TVB entries to Facebook, Twitter, etc. What an incredible time saver for all of you!!
"12 Angry Bananas" is the scariest thing I've ever heard of.
Hey, what would sock monkeys have called Woody Allen's Bananas?
The Best Movie of All Time.
Banannie Hall is my fav!
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