This schism is demonstrated in the first-ever poll at The Velvet Blog, conducted last week. A whopping six of you voted: Three agreeing to take part in the poll and three declining.
The current U.S. population is approximately 295,800,000. Using state-of-the-art software* and extrapolating the data--much like the Nielson TV ratings people do**--that means 147,900,000 Americans would, if given the chance, take part in TVB polling, and 147,900,000 would not.
The implications are staggering--as am I, because I'm under heavy sedation.
Based on these poll results, expect to see the following in the coming few years:
--Continued confusion over which type of Cheetos is better will remain, though it should be obvious to anyone with half a brain that it's the crunchy variety
--Ronald Reagan will not seek re-election as governor of California
and, most especially:
--There will be mass indifference to TVB polling.
*Actually, the calculator on my PC.
**Did you know that what stays on TV is determined by two bored housewives, one teenager, a parakeet, and a monkey? It's true--look it up.

Crunchy is always superior. Except when in a fight with Cheesy Zig Zags, because then they are beaten unmercifully.
omg, we only have one type of Cheetos! We're being deprived of choice!
Crunchy. When I was a kid at hockey camp I bought crunchy at a vending machine and $19 in change came pouring out. Thought I hit the lottery.
I miss Edwards' talk of Two Americas.
I vote for Jax.
Jezzy: You're more behind than you realize. There's a range of flavors, too:
Actually, I dont like either inferior puffed or superior crunchy. Does that mean I'm a libertarian?
>>Does that mean I'm a libertarian?
Good God--I hope not.
Nuts. I missed the poll. I guess it's for the best though, since I'd probablly still be deciding whether or not I'd want to answer it.
Oh, and I hate that damn TV-picking monkey. I think Jim Belushi has himon his payroll. It's the only explination.
Actually, I think your poll results mean that half of Americans are liars. Lower then I expected...
BTW- I'd go for cruchy Cheetos.
I was one of those that voted No to your poll. I am a Canadian. Not an American.
I'm going to have to revise this post--voting is not 5 to 3, with "yes" in front.
I'll be in Quebec next month, so watch your back, Canada!
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