Sunday, May 03, 2009

Bon appetit

Apparently, moving to Washington does odd things to your taste. Both these culinary insights come from today's New York Times:
But to focus on [Justice David Souter's] eccentricities -- his daily lunch of yogurt and an apple, core and all; the absence of a computer in his personal office -- is to miss the essence of a man who in fact is perfectly suited to his job ...

[Sen. Arlen Specter's] idea of relaxation: "I get back to my condo at 1 in the morning and have a martini, a frozen bagel and a can of sardines."

This makes me nostalgic for Bush the First's taste for pork rinds.


Qaro said...

Do you think he toasts the bagel?

Jim Donahue said...

No, I think he eats it frozen.

Qaro said...

Makes sense.