Wednesday, August 23, 2006

From a co-worker's IM to me

If this [company] were "Lost," we'd have one episode. Plane crashes, everyone looks at one another, finds the biggest tree branch or piece of wreckage, and either bashes the person next to them or begs to be put out of their misery. Then the polar bear would come and gnaw on the bones of the dead.

Morale is a little low.

3 comments: said...

I've never been good at gnawing. I just can't get the hang of it.

Gina said...

I don't know where you work, but I suspect that upper management would be the first to be beaten to death. That is the natural order.

fakies said...

With my co-worker, at least there would be plenty for the rest of us to feed on. You know, as long as STDs aren't spread through cannibalism.