Dear Johnny Boy*:
This is the long bridge Mommy and Daddy went over the other day.
It was sunny early today and we went down to the beach. We collected some more shells for you and Joy. I got you a bathing suit, too. Now it is raining again.
Love, Mommy and Daddy
My mother's notes tend to be heavy on weather details.
As always, click to enlarge.
*When I want to annoy him, I still call my brother this.
Your parents vacationed without the kids? Isn't that un-American?
And does Johnny Boy ever call you Jamie? Jimbo?
My memory is a little hazy on this point. I recall riding in the back of the car with my siblings almost every winter. But evidence suggests that at least a couple of times we--or maybe just my brother and sister, before I was born?--stayed with our grandparents.
I was Jamie growing up. Or James. I never really liked either. I started over as Jim in college.
There is, from time to time, some slippage in this area when I'm with my family.
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