Friday, November 21, 2008

Thanksgiving wishes from Sarah Palin

Yeah, yeah, yeah--everyone and his brother is already linking to this.

But, wow! I have never seen anything so funny and completely appalling at the same time.

Let me say one more time: Wow.


fermicat said...

Moose guts.... turkey guts.... what's the difference.

Posol'stvo the Medved said...

Maybe I am a cold hearted something or other, but I didn't find it appalling. I was hoping to, but I thought it was pretty tame.

Then again, I used to work on a farm and assisted in castration, tail docking, and even occasionally slaughter, so perhaps I have scars where I should be feeling offense...

Jim Donahue said...

It's not that I think slaughtering turkeys is appalling--I'm not one of those people who never think about where their food comes from.

But to "pardon" a turkey for Thanksgiving, and then stand there for several minutes while someone is graphically beheading turkeys behind you? I'm still in awe.

Qaro said...

Oil prices plummeted??? Bummer!

TootsNYC said...

The camera man/woman positioned the camera there on purpose. You know that's what happened.