The core of humor is what I call the 2-of-6 rule. In order for something to be funny, you need at least two of the following elements:
Cute (as in kids and animals)
Recognizable (You've been there)
I invented this rule, but you can check for yourself that whenever something is funny it follows the rule. And when something isn't, it doesn't.
Now I realize why TVB has never really picked up steam the way I'd hoped. I just wasn't following the rules of funny.
So, herewith, the most-amusing TVB post ever:

Now, stand back and watch the funny-seekers turn out in droves.
Can't .... stop ... laughing ....
I'm working on combining an egg separator with chopsticks.
H.R. Puffenstuff! Do I get brownie points?
It's "Sigmund and the Sea Monsters"--no brownies for you, young man.
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