Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Get out of the office and into the springtime

Hmm. I think this is going to be a mostly-music blog for a while.

The song of the day is "Legal Man," a Belle & Sebastian B-side non-album single.

SeeqPod - Playable Search

I love that anthemic "get out of the office/get out of the city" bit at the end. I must have played this four times in a row yesterday.

Topic: Belle & Sebastian contains no band members named Belle or Sebastian.



Anonymous said...

The problem, for me, is that your seeqpods are launching automatically when I open to your site -- which means I'm now listening to a mash-up of Belle & Sebastian and Sondre Lerche.

Jim Donahue said...


Fixed, I think. Though I have to use the ugly, big "playlist" version, although there's only one song.