Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Guest blogger

Too busy to post, so I'm turning to a automatic blog-generating program you can find here.

Regarding Mother

What would you say if I told you that we all ought to join together to struggle to be the best? Why am I talking about Mother, you probably wonder... The answer is here. Right here. When the grass was still green and the sky still blue I trembled. Nevermind about the details, but... OK, but back to the story. And still, it was strange. I dreamt of my ex. Which would be nothing special but...

Man, that was lousy. Sorry.



NYPinTA said...

I have no comment on this post, but I did want to point out that you being 42 makes you, (and Johnny Depp), the 'answer to life, the universe, and everything'. Doesn't that make you happy?

Jim Donahue said...

But I'm only going to be 42 for another couple of weeks--then what am I? Chopped liver?