Some highlights:
We'll assume a total round trip of 1,500 miles, an average gas consumption of 15 miles to the gallon and an average gasoline price of 28 cents per gallon. In that case, the total cost of gasoline for the entire 1,500 miles will be about $28. ... The total car expense ... will be about $50 -- assuming a two-week vacation with about a 10-day stay at one place. ...
It’s helpful to think of "costumes" rather than "clothes." ... Women who travel a great deal have developed a four-costume, basic plan. With "extras," it's suitable for a two-week vacation to Anywhere, U.S.A. It fits into one 26-inch suitcase plus an overnight case.... Your travel suit.... Your two-piece after-driving dress.... A spectator sports ensemble.... The rugged-life costume.... In many resort areas, slacks are frowned upon -- more in the East than in the West, where they're quite generally accepted. ...
Dungarees shouldn't be worn in the car [by children]. While they're certainly comfortable enough, they're not suitable for wear even in a roadside restaurant.
P.S.: A gold star to anyone who IDs the source of the subject line. (Sorry, God Is My Codependent, this one's too easy for you.)
Can it get Duluth?
Duluth? Bucko, you can get Tierra del Fuego!
Firesign theater
Gold star for Mark. (Martin3K is God Is My Codependent trying to sneak in.)
Firesign's How Can You Be In Two Places At Once When You're Not Anywhere At All is a classic that should be in everyone's CD collection.
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