Is there a better piece of fruit than a ripe, juicy pear?
No, there is not.
What's that you say? You prefer apples?
Well, my pear can kick your apple's ass.
(Note: Do not stare at my tablecloth too closely, as it can induce dizziness.)
Curated by Simba the Wonder Chimp
I also have a nice pair -er PEAR.
My Holy Grail everytime I go to the produce aisle - the perfect cantaloupe. I swear there is a conspiracy to make sure that 90% of them are underripe and bland, on a good day. But every once in awhile I find it - a perfect cantaloupe. And THAT, in my book, is the best there is.
Though I am fond of a perfectly ripe bosch pear...
Mmm. Pear. Here's what I do:
Melt some butter. Add brown sugar and heat until it gets all syrupy and HOT. Add pear slices, and let them caramelize slightly. Add a good slug of blackberry brandy and flame the sucker. Beats hell out of Bananas Foster.
You don't just find perfect cantaloupes. You have to develop them. Buy an underripe one and take it home. Put it on display somewhere, where it gets attention and it can feel good about itself. Encourage it to turn ripe. Nuture it. Negotiate if you have to, plead if you must.
And a few days later, when the circles at the side push in just a bit, soft but yielding, rip it open and chow down on its tender flesh.
I would say either strawberries or a peach. Mind you, I haven't had a decent piece of fruit in years...all of that GMo stuff, I think.
Yay, pears!!
Approachable, yet sophisticated. Familiar, yet a touch of the exotic.
And yet, they don't get used much; people overlook them. Even me.
The only thing better than a perfect pear is a perfect mango. Also rare.
I'm not a fan of Bosch--they're almost always grainy. Maybe I don't get them ripe enough. or it's that peel...
The other "too overlooked" produce is the sweet potato--people should eat more of them, more often.
If I concentrate only on the tablecloth, I'm fine--just a little nausea. But if I let myself take in the tablecloth and the triangle of placemat at the same time, that's when the vertigo sets in.
Toots: Thank you for your kind words about TVB on that message board. Finding your post made my day.
I prefer kiwi. First of all, they're fuzzy. And they're nature's toothbrush.
My mother has a skirt in the same pattern as your tablecloth. I feel like I'm on the Scrambler every time she walks past me.
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